We call it the candidate experience. You call it BS. We call it employment brand. You just want respect. The first job board was launched in the early 90’s. Some experts state there are now more than 40,000 job boards. Add in publisher networks, blogs, and communities and the number quickly surpasses 100,000. To me, […]
by @jjbuss. Calling all job seekers and recruiters! #JobHuntChat started on twitter 2 months ago, and is quickly growing. You can experience the chat every Monday night at 10 pm EST. I had the opportunity to attend and contribute last night, and would highly recommend this venue. 5 questions were tweeted, follow-up questions were submitted […]
No, it’s not a late April fools joke. The millions of pages online from other job boards and career sites apparently aren’t enough, as Direct Employers is moving into a joint venture with Employ Media and and will be adding tens of thousands of dot-jobs boards and pages. In a post written 3 months ago, […]
Even though job aggregator sites and job search engines have been around for years now, they have a significant number of challenges that come along with the benefits. The irony is… almost all claim to be the largest, the first, have the most jobs, etc. We’d expect that, right? What you might not expect is […]
Today AIRS announced the release of their Annual Job Board and Recruiting Technology Directory, which can be downloaded for free. This marks the 5th annual edition. According to AIRS, this is the largest, most up-to-date, and most usable career site and recruiting resource on the market.
By Jason Buss. After writing on the candidate experience, I recently caught up with a few tweeps, including @CarolineBoegel, @robpitingolo, @arwilliams, and several other job seekers to get additional insights on what their experience has been from a candidates viewpoint. 5 trends that quickly emerged included: Applying for a job on-line is cumbersome, time consuming […]
Career site Vitruva, Inc. is emplowering LinkedIn users in America to leverage their existing profiles to find jobs using Vitruva’s system. LinkedIn is a valuable professional networking Web site and a favorite sourcing tool among recruiters. However, finding a job that accurately fits one’s LinkedIn profile is as time-consuming a chore as it is on […]
Employers shed more jobs last month than in any month in more than five years. The economy lost another 159,000 jobs in September, and is the largest decline seen since March 2003. The unemployment rate remain unchanged in September 2008, at 6.1% which is the highest unemployment level seen since September 2003. The economy has […]
By Jason Buss. A Career Site Conversation with Benjamin Yoskovitz, CEO & Co-Founder of Standout Jobs. Jason: Please introduce yourself for The Talent Buzz readers. Ben: I’m currently the CEO & Co-Founder of Standout Jobs, which started in 2007 and launched at the end of January 2008. Prior to that I was the co-founder of […]
CareerXroads Top 25 Corporate Job Sites: Highest Rated Companies for the Job Candidate’s Experience in 2008. Authoria Drives Success of Leading Retail Organizations Through Unified Approach to Talent Management. From Shally Steckerl: Seven Days Without Sourcing Makes One Weak.
By Jason Buss. All of these people are all waiting patiently to be recruited – and to apply for a job at your company. They would apply, except the process takes too long and 99% of the time it results in an auto generated response and nothing else. OK, maybe they are watching a football […]
The weekly recruiting blog poll results are in from last week. The question: How would you rate the overall effectiveness of your career site? The results: A little embarrassing (55%) About average (45%) Award winning (0%) Check back next week or subscribe to the recruiting blog feed for a post on creating an effective candidate […]