When researching the most effective practices on conducting a job search, job seekers can get a lot of mixed messages on what to do (or what not to do) – depending on the who they talk to. HR and Recruiting professionals can be a great source of information, given their roles in the recruitment and […]
In the past 18 years Monster.com has grown from 7,000 job postings to over 1 million, and with an estimated market for online recruitment at more than $5 billion, Monster’s share is estimated at 23%. So how does that compare to others? CareerBuilder.com’s share is an estimated 32%, and LinkedIn’s is an estimated 16% This […]
UPDATE: The webinar was last week, if you are interested you can view the slides from the recruiting webinar here. I’m excited to announce an upcoming recruiting webinar in partnership with Recruiting Trends on May 9th, from 12:00-12:45 EST, titled “Recruiting secrets overheard in a dark alley”, and you are invited! Click here to register, […]
Both job seekers and recruiters have seen many ups and downs over the past 15 years with internet recruiting. With all of the evolving technology, job seekers can find positions and connect with recruiters and connections faster than ever before. And if you are a recruiter you can search and connect with candidates in a […]
April Fools’ Day is widely celebrated around the world on April 1 every year. While it’s not a national holiday, it is the one day when people pull pranks or play jokes on friends, families, neighbors, and co-workers. According to Wikipedia, the earliest recorded association between April 1 and foolishness can be found in Chaucer’s […]
The topic around job board effectiveness is always an emotional one, from the supporters to the haters. Until a few years ago, it was difficult to gauge and compare the results from a specific job boards – with each other. Remember back in the day when candidates were asked to self supply their source? The […]
In 1999, Monster was born and quickly became the largest and one of the most respected job boards in the industry. Over the past few years (like most job sites), Monster.com has tried to rebrand itself as much more than a job board, with little success. The site has made a lot of headlines recently, […]
Indeed.com, the leader in the online job search space is crushing other job boards in traffic. According to comScore, overall traffic to U.S. job search sites grew 27 percent in January to 24.2 million total visitors. Indeed.com ranks as the leader with over 1/2 of these visitors (13.7 million), followed by CareerBuilder.com with 9.8 million […]
Remember 15 years ago when the experts were scaring everyone with “the war for talent”? Saying by 2010 unemployment would be at historic lows? How about a little over a decade ago when job boards and applicant tracking systems would forever change a recruiters life (and make it simpler)? Or when 8 years ago when […]
Recruiting metrics – a great debate. For years, dialogue around the most effective source of hires has been a hot topic, while true (indisputable) candidate source data has been lacking. From poor ATS capabilities, to candidate self reported data on the amazing question the industry wasted years on… “How did you hear about us”? Like […]
In yesterday’s post, “The Effectiveness (Or Not) of Job Postings“, we shared an example of what not to do, and also highlighted the non-traditional approach to posting jobs that Deluxe Corporation is taking with the use of video. Deluxe’s feedback from their customers (both candidates and hiring leaders), and their results, speak for themselves. Using […]
You’ve spoken, Weddles has answered. Each year the top 30 job boards are announced. Each year, WEDDLE’s conducts a year-long ballot of recruiters and job seekers to determine which employment related sites they like best. The 30 sites that accumulate the most votes during the year are named WEDDLE’s User’s Choice Award winners – and […]