Remember 15 years ago when the experts were scaring everyone with “the war for talent”? Saying by 2010 unemployment would be at historic lows? How about a little over a decade ago when job boards and applicant tracking systems would forever change a recruiters life (and make it simpler)? Or when 8 years ago when […]
Conference season is in full swing. I am looking forward to a session I am co-facilitating tomorrow called “Social Media – The Impact to Diversity Recruiting”. It’s at the 2011 Multicultural Forum on Workplace Diversity, in Minneapolis. In building out the content and research for the topic, a lot of information has been published from […]
by @jjbuss. Calling all job seekers and recruiters! #JobHuntChat started on twitter 2 months ago, and is quickly growing. You can experience the chat every Monday night at 10 pm EST. I had the opportunity to attend and contribute last night, and would highly recommend this venue. 5 questions were tweeted, follow-up questions were submitted […]
Interactive Marketing and SEO leader Jobs2Web published a new video, taking a subtle yet direct hit at job boards. And by the looks of things, they are not clowning around.
He thought (and hoped) it was just a bad dream. Little Johnny just wanted to find a job, but he got lost in a universe cluttered with a million new job boards. He woke up, it wasn’t just a dream, as 25,000 will go live this week. While I have never claimed to be a […]
No, it’s not a late April fools joke. The millions of pages online from other job boards and career sites apparently aren’t enough, as Direct Employers is moving into a joint venture with Employ Media and and will be adding tens of thousands of dot-jobs boards and pages. In a post written 3 months ago, […]
Talk to most corporate or agency recruiting leaders and you’ll likely hear the same thing regarding recruiting budgets for 2010… Flat from 2009. A majority of firms reduced their budgets in 2009, so the definition of flat is still down from 2 years ago. While experts predict retention will be the #1 problem organizations face […]
Interactive marketing solutions provider Jobs2Web today was ranked #228 on the Inc. 500 – an exclusive ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy—America’s independent-minded entrepreneurs.
Even though job aggregator sites and job search engines have been around for years now, they have a significant number of challenges that come along with the benefits. The irony is… almost all claim to be the largest, the first, have the most jobs, etc. We’d expect that, right? What you might not expect is […]
Google. What would we do without it… Remember when? Search engines have made a significant impact to Human Resources and Recruiting. As an example, the last statistic I saw was 4-5 million job related searches are conducted every day. HR and Recruiting professionals also use search engines for a variety of job related reasons including […]
I’ve had the opportunity to explore and test a variety of SEO-based tools and theories in recruiting, and have published a series of posts on this topic with the business results after implementing. And over the past couple of years there has been a lot of buzz about SEO for jobs and recruiting, job seeker […]
Doug Berg, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of jobs2web writes about the 100+ million job related searches on google last month. I also recently shared some great successes with capitalizing on this opportunity – and the results after implementing the product. Internet entrepreneur Darren Bahnsen has announced the launch of College Jobs Network, a FREE […]