The social media craze is alive on many fronts and, for Recruiters, it is no different. There are companies offering a wide variety of services to advance their presence online for recruiting, skill development for sourcing talent, as well as the first social recruiting conference being held in June, to name a few.
Last night was the debut of #TalentNet on twitter. It was an active one, making it one of the top trending topics on twitter, along with American Idol and Swine Flu. What is is? #TalentNet is a hashtag event for recruiters that takes place the last Wednesday of each month at 9pm Eastern. Hosted through […]
The hype about twitter continues, and we’re buying into it. So have Corporations and Recruiters. In the U.S., the number of twitter users has increased from 1 million to 4 million, and the site has experienced over 1,000% increase in traffic. With over 1.5 billion tweets and counting, it has been reported that 45-54 year […]
Roughly 75% of jobs are gotten through networking. Unless you plan on staying in your city forever… you should be making friends online. (That doesn’t mean creating a Facebook profile.) Traditional social networks (Facebook/LinkedIn/MySpace) are used for maintaining relationships you’ve already built. You meet in person… then you connect online. That’s how they work. But […]
Twitter: The Kindness of Strangers Friends It’s a brave new job-hunting world out there- we’re told this is the worst job market in 35 years. It seems that the population of career experts, resume gurus and networking mavens has exploded overnight. Executive coaches are everywhere. Seeking to gain an edge in the market, the hapless […]
Meander through any cube farm today and try to figure out exactly what kind of work is being done. If you see an overloaded website with tiny pictures over the cube dweller’s shoulder, she’s on FaceBook. If there are small boxes scattered around the screen, and he is typing furiously, she’s IM’ing. If there’s a […]
Andrew is a college senior. So are his friends. They were bright kids coming out of high school. They are bright kids coming out of college. And they are influencers. One will be working in student development, influencing college student. One will be working for a major financial information company. One is already a freelance […]
By @jjbuss. Ever thought of writing? Blogging? Had 15 minutes of fame yet? I am thrilled to announce the 2nd Blog Post contest on The Talent Buzz. This time, the stakes are higher as the winner will receive a $1,000 Visa Gift Card for the winning post. Yep, that’s right, $1,000. The contest last year […]
By Jason Buss (@jjbuss). As unemployment continues to soar, job seekers and candidates are pulling out all the stops and doing everything possible to network and look for new opportunities. This includes using social media and social networking sites as another tool during their search, and while these are not new methods, more and more […]
By @jjbuss. When it comes to twitter, you might be a twitterholic, a newbie, or still wondering “what’s the point“? Regardless of who we you are and what you think, the twitter community continues to grow at an astounding rate with millions of users and over 1.1 billion tweets. The micro-blogging leader also continues to […]
Social media and networking continue to get a lot of hype. Twitter, as an example, has grown by over 750% in the past 12 months with an astonishing 1 billion tweets and counting! Applications and tools for these growing sites and platforms are growing quickly too. If you use twitter, here are 8 newer sites […]
@tweetbomb joined the twitter craze on November 19, 2008. And in less than 2 months, tweetbomb already has 4,040 followers. The point of tweetbomb? Everyday at 3:33 EST @tweetbomb releases a username of one of their followers. To play along, you just need to send a @username message to that person, and watch the carnage […]