By Molly Sly (@mollysly). I’m waiting for my flight at the Orlando airport after attending the Kennedy Recruiting conference. The talk of the conference was social media and how it’s changing the way we recruit. As was stated in one of the sessions, social media has brought about the evolution of relationship marketing. In particular, […]
No ticket to attend the Kennedy Information Recruiting Conference next month in Orlando? No problem. Send me an e-mail, or direct message via twitter with your interest. Kennedy is interested in providing attendees and “web watchers” live updates, news, and information from the conference via their twitter stream. In return for capturing and posting, you’ll […]
By Jason Buss. Amidst rising unemployment, and what some call a recession – or even financial crisis, it’s that time of year to finalize your plans for 2009 recruiting budgets. This post contains ideas on things you can do to cut (if needed) – or optimize your spending. Once you know anticipated volumes and skills […]
Networking was never one of my strongest skills. I am sometimes shy when it comes to meeting new people, and as a 23 year old who is just two years out of college, I don’t have much of an address book or LinkedIn network (but I have a ton of Facebook friends). The first stage […]
Most of you would be familiar with this trend. You make some great friends at work and develop this fantastic sense of camaraderie with them when one of them decides to leave and go on to another job. You have a tearful farewell party for them and sign their goodbye card with an endearing message […]
A quick thanks to Paul DeBettignies for creating a list of Recruiters using twitter. You can see the list created on, by clicking here. I have been enjoying twitter in a variety of ways over the past 5 months, and have written the following posts about it: Recruiting, Social Media, and Friends. Twitter Rocks! […]
From Jason Buss (@jjbuss). What all started with my first tweet – has continued to evolve into something so much more than answering that simple question – “what are you doing”? After talking with a good friend earlier this year (@seerysm) about twitter, I decided to give it a try. So I started with a […]
By Jason Buss. Like it or not, your personal brand and reputation is built in many ways – consciously or unconsciously – by what you do, the sites and tools you use, where you work, your profile, and more. You likely use social media and social networking sites along with a variety of tools on […]
By Jason Buss – a.k.a. @jjbuss Social Media and Social Networking are phrases that have monopolized online communities worldwide the past couple of years. New sites, communities, and tools are being created just as quickly in response to the growing demand and use of many popular sites. Twitter, which has been praised and beaten over […]
In the past couple of weeks I have received about a dozen invites to join Plurk. I haven’t joined yet, not because I don’t want to be an “early adopter”, but more so as a result in how much time in the day there is to blog, network, and connect with others. Sure, there are tools […]
Twitter has proven to be a tremendous asset as a virtual networking tool to over 1 million users. If you haven’t signed up or don’t understand why you should start, here are the top 6 reasons I use twitter and the value that I have gained from it as a recruiting professional, networker, and blogger. […]