Super Bowl ads, a favorite for many game watchers… And after an entry back after taking some time off, returned to the Super Bowl scene. Afterall, they are trying to build awareness for their totally redesigned site. Vote Now! [poll id=”11″]
I had the opportunity to meet with founder, Jason Davis, for an exclusive interview during the Kennedy Recruiting Conference today.
With hundreds of investments you can make with online advertising, the CareerBuilder ad deal with Facebook, hasn’t proven to be one on the top of my list. What was touted earlier this year as an innovative way to break into the social media and networking space hiring – and the next big thing for CareerBuilder […]
50 Ways to Take your Blog to the Next Level Blogging is as varied in its applications as using the telephone or taking a picture. The tool doesn’t predict the output. You might be using your blog to post recipes, or to inform the local community about information you find elsewhere on the web. Maybe […]
48 hours left! Help out the writer of your favorite post by sharing it with your network. 11 writers entered the inaugural Talent Buzz Blog Post contest. Here are the standings (based on the number of unique visitors to their post): How I Used Twitter to Get Meetings with 3 CEOs and a VP of […]
By Jason Buss. 11 writers entered the inaugural Talent Buzz Blog Post contest. Here are the standings (based on the number of unique visitors to their post): How I Used Twitter to Get Meetings with 3 CEOs and a VP of Recruiting in 2 Weeks, by Willy Franzen 5 Free Tools to Cure Your Social […]
Announcing the new HRM Today. You might notice that things are a little bit different at HRM Today, as HRM Today and HR Bloggers have joined forces to create a collaborative community for HR professionals. The new partnership means that there is one site — managed by Jennifer Barnes, Lance Haun & Laurie Ruettimann — […]
Networking was never one of my strongest skills. I am sometimes shy when it comes to meeting new people, and as a 23 year old who is just two years out of college, I don’t have much of an address book or LinkedIn network (but I have a ton of Facebook friends). The first stage […]
5 (free) tools to cure your Social Network Fatigue and get your life back! Are you… Busy? Someone who finds value in Social web stuff? Overwhelmed with the myriad of social networks and web 2.0 doodads? Not wanting to be left out, but want a life too? Feel slightly guilty even taking time to read […]
I’m a prolific blogger, video maven, twitter lover and chat junkie. I also like to attend conferences, parties, barcamps, Tweetups, you get it. I’m a networker. I believe that has a lot to do with recruiting people (since I meet a lot of them through allll these mediums). Anyway, as I “put myself out there” […]
There is no room for error anymore. When I was 16 years old my football coach would constantly drilling into my head they I need to be bigger, fast, and stronger. That was coach’s famous “Bigger, Faster, Stronger.” speech. Now, years later I am getting the same speech from boss at work. “Team, you need […]
As a child, September is a time for a fresh start as you enter a new grade with a new teacher, possibly make new friends or maybe even start at a new school. It is ingrained in us to see September as the “beginning of the year” from the time we are four years old, […]