Meander through any cube farm today and try to figure out exactly what kind of work is being done. If you see an overloaded website with tiny pictures over the cube dweller’s shoulder, she’s on FaceBook. If there are small boxes scattered around the screen, and he is typing furiously, she’s IM’ing. If there’s a […]
Written by Joshua Wong for The Talent Buzz blog post contest. Throughout college, I had Facebook and MySpace accounts, but I never used them to network with people that I didn’t know. This all changed when I decided to become active in using the Internet to show who I am and what I could do. […]
This post was written by Raina Van Cleave for the The Talent Buzz blog post contest. Due to “tough economic times,” my “position” had been laid off, and unfortunately I was going with it! It was my first full-time job out of college and my first time losing one. I spent three years managing projects, […]
By @jjbuss. When it comes to twitter, you might be a twitterholic, a newbie, or still wondering “what’s the point“? Regardless of who we you are and what you think, the twitter community continues to grow at an astounding rate with millions of users and over 1.1 billion tweets. The micro-blogging leader also continues to […]
Social media and networking continue to get a lot of hype. Twitter, as an example, has grown by over 750% in the past 12 months with an astonishing 1 billion tweets and counting! Applications and tools for these growing sites and platforms are growing quickly too. If you use twitter, here are 8 newer sites […]
With hundreds of investments you can make with online advertising, the CareerBuilder ad deal with Facebook, hasn’t proven to be one on the top of my list. What was touted earlier this year as an innovative way to break into the social media and networking space hiring – and the next big thing for CareerBuilder […]
Part one of my conversation with Susan Burns focused on opportunities and trends within talent management. Part 2, posted here focuses on social media and social networking, metrics, and the candidate experience from a recruiting perspective. Jason: There continues to be an emphasis and talk about the use of social media and social networking in […]
One of the great outcomes of spending time on social networking sites like twitter is the opportunity to engage with and meet people worldwide. Earlier this year I met Susan Burns – first online, and then a few months later in-person at a Conference. Since then, I’ve grown a tremendous amount of respect for her […]
Announcing, the newest FREE service from the Complete Career Network, has officially launched and offers recruiters a fun and informational new website dedicated to them on the Ning platform. features: Funny videos and games related to recruitment Social networking with other recruiters The latest news, blogs and tips on the recruitment industry […]
By Jason Buss. Amidst rising unemployment, and what some call a recession – or even financial crisis, it’s that time of year to finalize your plans for 2009 recruiting budgets. This post contains ideas on things you can do to cut (if needed) – or optimize your spending. Once you know anticipated volumes and skills […]
Five Ways to Use Social Media to Reach People Who Don’t Use Social Media Are you the only person at work who likes to read blogs? Is it your job to sell things to people who would probably throw you out of their offices if you said the word “twitter?” Are you trying to reach […]
uBoast Brings Job Seekers, Providers, and Matchmakers Together (The Startup Review). Create video resumes, build long-lasting relationships, and utilize a streamlined recruiting process increasing the ease of communication. uBoast is a professional networking site that specializes in enhanced virtual resumes, video profiles, real-time video interviewing, contains a job board pooling openings from throughout the entire […]