The nominations to identify the best of the best in recruiting are in, and it’s crowd-sourcing time! It’s time to vote! The nominations are in for our 3 award Categories: (Talent Hunter, Recruiting Innovation, and Recruiting Organization of the Year). Our panel of judges and conference attendees with be casting their votes soon. Voting closes […]
In less than 1 month we’ll be announcing the winners of the 2012 recruiting awards, live at the Recruiting Trends Conference in Las Vegas. The awards are for all recruiting professionals regardless of the industry, company, or geography they recruit for, and are open to corporate and agency recruiters. The nomination deadline has been extended through […]
At last weeks mobile recruiting conferene in San Francisco, it was abundantly clear mobile recruiting should be a component of every companies recruiting strategy. Why? Candidates are using mobile and other handheld devices – whether you like it or not. Recruiters from several organizations I spoke with are already experiencing traffic between 5-15% to their […] Nomination Deadline Monday September 12, 5PM EST In our final quest to identify the best of the best in corporate recruiting, we’re giving away an iPad 2 for anyone who submits a nomination. The three Recruiting Awards categories are: Talent Hunter – Nominate » Recruiting Innovation – Nominate » Recruiting Organization – Nominate » […]
The recruiting conference scene has had a lot of changes take place over the past several years, primarily the attendance numbers dwindling. The impact on attendance has been driven from two main factors; first is the economy, and the second there are more events to choose from today than ever before. From niche conferences like […]
It’s conference season.. The OnRec recruiting conference in Chicago came to a close earlier today, as Recruiters gear up for SourceCon and ERE’s fall Expo. Here are 7 takeaways from the event:
Over the past month at a couple of networking and educational sessions I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with 50 other Fortune 500 Recruiting Executives and Leaders. The time, the networking, and the conversation were all invaluable. So, what’s on the top of everyone’s mind? Driving a competitive advantage, and building additional capacity for […]
The Talent Buzz is hosting the 2nd annual premier networking event for HR & Talent Management professionals in the Twin Cities. The event will be held on Thursday, September 9th, from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, aboard Al & Alma’s Bella Vista Yacht.
Earlier this year OnRec and Kennedy Information announced they were teaming up to create one high impact event, albeit in Chicago. The event received mixed reviews by many, yet there were a lot of great ideas shared, connections made, and a handful of good sessions. Attendance to this years event was estimated at around 400 […]
Last week I had the opportunity to host a networking event in the Twin Cities. The intent behind the event was to create an opportunity for HR and Recruiting leaders to talk about trends, opportunities, share successes, and of course network. An opportunity beyond a conference without formal one-sided presentations, recycled content, or a vendor […]
by @jjbuss. Congrats to @dmanaster and the ERE gang for another successful recruiting expo. There was no shortage of tweets, or great content. Session coverage was provided by tweeps including @CincyRecruiter, @TheRecruiterGuy, @jrl2002, @ewmonster, @JennyDeVaughn, @sarahw79, and a whole lot more… While there were thousands of tweets, here were some of the top 10 favorites:
The Talent Buzz is hosting a premier networking event for HR & Talent Management professionals in the Twin Cities. The event will be held on Thursday, September 17th, from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm, aboard Al & Alma’s Bella Vista Yacht.