Meander through any cube farm today and try to figure out exactly what kind of work is being done. If you see an overloaded website with tiny pictures over the cube dweller’s shoulder, she’s on FaceBook. If there are small boxes scattered around the screen, and he is typing furiously, she’s IM’ing. If there’s a […]
Written by Joshua Wong for The Talent Buzz blog post contest. Throughout college, I had Facebook and MySpace accounts, but I never used them to network with people that I didn’t know. This all changed when I decided to become active in using the Internet to show who I am and what I could do. […]
Andrew is a college senior. So are his friends. They were bright kids coming out of high school. They are bright kids coming out of college. And they are influencers. One will be working in student development, influencing college student. One will be working for a major financial information company. One is already a freelance […]
This post was written by Jay Philips for The Talent Buzz blog post contest. Searching for what you need using Social Media. We are all searching for something almost 90% of the time. Either we are searching for our next job, an old friend, new gossip, etc. Even though we are all searching for different […]
By Molly Sly (@mollysly). I’m waiting for my flight at the Orlando airport after attending the Kennedy Recruiting conference. The talk of the conference was social media and how it’s changing the way we recruit. As was stated in one of the sessions, social media has brought about the evolution of relationship marketing. In particular, […]
With hundreds of investments you can make with online advertising, the CareerBuilder ad deal with Facebook, hasn’t proven to be one on the top of my list. What was touted earlier this year as an innovative way to break into the social media and networking space hiring – and the next big thing for CareerBuilder […]
Part one of my conversation with Susan Burns focused on opportunities and trends within talent management. Part 2, posted here focuses on social media and social networking, metrics, and the candidate experience from a recruiting perspective. Jason: There continues to be an emphasis and talk about the use of social media and social networking in […]
50 Ways to Take your Blog to the Next Level Blogging is as varied in its applications as using the telephone or taking a picture. The tool doesn’t predict the output. You might be using your blog to post recipes, or to inform the local community about information you find elsewhere on the web. Maybe […]
Five Ways to Use Social Media to Reach People Who Don’t Use Social Media Are you the only person at work who likes to read blogs? Is it your job to sell things to people who would probably throw you out of their offices if you said the word “twitter?” Are you trying to reach […]
48 hours left! Help out the writer of your favorite post by sharing it with your network. 11 writers entered the inaugural Talent Buzz Blog Post contest. Here are the standings (based on the number of unique visitors to their post): How I Used Twitter to Get Meetings with 3 CEOs and a VP of […]
The weekly recruiting blog poll results are in from last week. The question: How would you rate your organization’s adoption of social media in branding overall, and for recruiting? The results: It’s a struggle (64%) Slowly but surely (28%) Ahead of the curve (8%) From several conversations I’ve had, this continues to be a slow […]
By Jason Buss. 11 writers entered the inaugural Talent Buzz Blog Post contest. Here are the standings (based on the number of unique visitors to their post): How I Used Twitter to Get Meetings with 3 CEOs and a VP of Recruiting in 2 Weeks, by Willy Franzen 5 Free Tools to Cure Your Social […]