In the past 18 years has grown from 7,000 job postings to over 1 million, and with an estimated market for online recruitment at more than $5 billion, Monster’s share is estimated at 23%. So how does that compare to others?’s share is an estimated 32%, and LinkedIn’s is an estimated 16% This […]
The topic around job board effectiveness is always an emotional one, from the supporters to the haters. Until a few years ago, it was difficult to gauge and compare the results from a specific job boards – with each other. Remember back in the day when candidates were asked to self supply their source? The […], the leader in the online job search space is crushing other job boards in traffic. According to comScore, overall traffic to U.S. job search sites grew 27 percent in January to 24.2 million total visitors. ranks as the leader with over 1/2 of these visitors (13.7 million), followed by with 9.8 million […]