Ask a job seeker, and they’ll tell you it doesn’t take long before they get lost or frustrated online during their job search. For starters the amount of duplicate job content has, at a minimum, doubled in the past year alone. From the tens of thousands of job boards, aggregator sites, and social recruiting approaches, […]
By Jason Buss. After writing on the candidate experience, I recently caught up with a few tweeps, including @CarolineBoegel, @robpitingolo, @arwilliams, and several other job seekers to get additional insights on what their experience has been from a candidates viewpoint. 5 trends that quickly emerged included: Applying for a job on-line is cumbersome, time consuming […]
By Jason Buss. A Career Site Conversation with Benjamin Yoskovitz, CEO & Co-Founder of Standout Jobs. Jason: Please introduce yourself for The Talent Buzz readers. Ben: I’m currently the CEO & Co-Founder of Standout Jobs, which started in 2007 and launched at the end of January 2008. Prior to that I was the co-founder of […]
The weekly recruiting blog poll results are in from last week. The question: How would you rate the overall effectiveness of your career site? The results: A little embarrassing (55%) About average (45%) Award winning (0%) Check back next week or subscribe to the recruiting blog feed for a post on creating an effective candidate […]