Yesterday announced their list of the 50 best blogs for HR wisdom. CareerOverview states you’ll find a wealth of advice, wisdom and insight in these blogs. Categories highlighted in the list include general HR, Workplace, Technology, Leadership, Legal, Recruiting, and Compensation. The Talent Buzz was highlighted as one of the top 50. See the […]
We’re just a week away from the next recruiting conference for twin cities recruiting pro’s. The event is taking place at Best Buy on Friday, April 30th. Click here for the registration and for event details. I am looking forward to presenting one of the three sessions, and I will be discussing “Online Recruiting: What […]
Written by Alan Plantikow, PHR. Branding. As Talent Acquisition professionals, we live it every day and we fully understand the importance of a strong employment brand. We even preach “personal brand” to job seekers. But how effectively are we communicating this to our hiring leaders, and more importantly, are they listening? Here is an email […]
An exclusive for The Talent Buzz community, which has not yet been published broadly. It’s the 2010 Trends in Recruiting Report from LinkedIn. The report is free, and contains some great information on overall trends related to recruiting budgets, passive candidate recruiting and pipelining, the use of social media, and more.
Earlier today CareerBuilder and USA Today distributed their Q2 2010 hiring forecast. The report contains several great statistics, including: The rise of social media The importance of branding and messaging The increase in video usage
by @jjbuss. Calling all job seekers and recruiters! #JobHuntChat started on twitter 2 months ago, and is quickly growing. You can experience the chat every Monday night at 10 pm EST. I had the opportunity to attend and contribute last night, and would highly recommend this venue. 5 questions were tweeted, follow-up questions were submitted […]
A simple concept… You think you found the perfect job online, you’re going to apply, and wait for a Recruiter to call. Right? Not so simple. Job seekers beware of job postings from third party sites. They’re being referred to in the industry as “job jackers”. If you remember one thing from this post, remember […]
We’ve all looked for a job at some point, and have probably wondered what really happens after sumbitting our Resume online? Or, what takes so long? When can I expect to hear something? What are some tips for using LinkedIn? Which social media sites? Or how to more effectively negotiate? Etc… We’ve got the answers! […]
The Top 50 HR blogs were announced earlier today from Masters In Human Resources. Categories included were HR Basics, At Work, Leadership, Career Moves, Recruitment, HR Law and Compensation. Blogs were selected based on popularity as well as content / updates. 7 of the 50 blogs selected were in recruiting, and The Talent Buzz made […]
Google it, and you’ll return 9.5 million results… Six Sigma was pioneered by Motorola in 1981, and is one of their registered trademarks. As of 2006, Motorola reported savings in excess of $17 billion – as a result of Six Sigma. Six Sigma’s implicit goal is to improve all processes to that level of quality […]
Interactive Marketing and SEO leader Jobs2Web published a new video, taking a subtle yet direct hit at job boards. And by the looks of things, they are not clowning around.
Jobster – what seemed to have a shift in strategy or direction frequently years ago has possibly seen some daylight. The site has a new home and has been acquired by a start-up that offers Talent Management applications in the Human Resources space – Zapoint. Previous news on Jobster from The Talent Buzz: Job Aggregator […]