Each spring the sun shines its light on the faces of our future workforce—those whose pale skin has been buried in books as they study for finals. Springtime also seems to be the time when family, friends, and acquaintances seem to come out of the wood-work to offer advice for job seekers who are wondering ‘What am I going to do with my life?’
Curious about the most common advice people receive when they’re searching for a career path (be it when they choose their major, enter the workforce, or want to change careers) we decided to informally poll our friends, family, and coworkers to see what kind of advice they received in their lives. Was the advice good? Did they follow it? And, if so, did it work?
LinkedIn continues to be cited as one of the top sites for sales professionals, recruiters, and job seekers. Is the site continuing its’ explosive growth? LinkedIn recorded 4.2 billion professionally oriented searches on the platform in 2011 and is on pace to surpass 5.3 billion in 2012. Additionally, they’ve added 1,000 employees this year. Yeah, that’s […]
Social Media and social networking is no new concept in the job search space. Depending on who you ask – you’ll receive varying tips to build your network and possibly land a job. Some of the advice is good, but as one Recruiter shared, “Don’t listen to all the bad advice out there – if […]
When researching the most effective practices on conducting a job search, job seekers can get a lot of mixed messages on what to do (or what not to do) – depending on the who they talk to. HR and Recruiting professionals can be a great source of information, given their roles in the recruitment and […]
Announcing job search tips via JobSearchTips.com, JobSearch911.com, and TalentHQ.com. I’ll post more information about JobSearchTips in soon. Thanks for your interest.